St. James Terrace
- New Construction
- Rental
- Mixed Use
- Senior/Supportive

- Bronx, NY
- 102 units
- In construction
Duvernay + Brooks, Concern for Independent Living and BD Capital Management are developing St. James Terrace, a 102-unit new construction, mixed income affordable, mixed use residential building, including 50% permanent supportive housing targeted to homeless adults with mental illness, in the Fordham Heights neighborhood of the Bronx. D+B served as a co-developer and project manager, and Concern will be the project’s long-term owner, property manager and on-site service provider. St. James Terrace will have a 50% supportive housing component (51 units), and the remaining affordable units will be split between 60% AMI and 70% AMI units.
The site is owned by and adjacent to the Landmarked St. James Episcopal Church, a historic building built in 1864. The site also contains an existing one-story, church building (neither historic nor landmarked) that, as part of the new development, will be demolished and replaced with a new community service facility.
The proposed new construction, mixed use building will be 9-stories with a mix of studios, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom apartments. Considerable effort went into project design to cost-effectively design a building that meets the needs of the residents, is contextual and honors the historic church, and is an asset to the community. The project received final Landmarks Commission Approval in April 2021.
Resident amenities include a 900 sf rooftop terrace, resident lounge/multi-purpose room, computer center, laundry room, bicycle storage, fitness room, and office and social service space for use by Concern’s on-site social service staff. There will also be 24/7 front desk security and a resident superintendent. Residents and the Church community will also have access to a new, more than 5,200 sf landscaped courtyard located between the church and the residential building. A 1,710 sf terrace on the roof of the community service facility will provide outdoor space for residents to participate in CFIL programs.
The building includes a new, ground floor community facility that will be approximately 5,300 gsf of single-story space surrounding the north and east sides of the courtyard between the new residential building and the Church historic structures, creating a bridge connecting the new residential and historic structures. The new St. James Community Center will be operated by a non-profit affiliate of St. James Church, which will provide a range of services and programs benefiting the community, including a weekly food pantry and hot meal service, regularly scheduled financial wellness seminars, a non-profit community development credit union program, and an after-school program that will provide tutoring and snacks to school-aged children in the neighborhood. The space will also be available to neighboring community service organizations to utilize as well.
The project closed on HFA tax-exempt bond and subordinate financing in June and is currently under construction. Additional funding was provided by NYS HHAP and the project has ESSHI operating funding for the supportive housing units. Completion is scheduled for September 2023