Managing Director
Brian Heeger
Brian Heeger has 25 years of experience in affordable and mixed income housing finance, development and consulting. Brian is responsible for acquisition of new development opportunities in New York and nationally. He is D+B project manager for several ongoing projects for which D+B is co-developer, including Amaryllis Park Place, an 84-unit new construction development in Sarasota, FL; Georgetown Square, a 90-unit new construction senior development in Sanford, FL; Hogan Creek Apartments, a 183-unit preservation project in Jacksonville, FL; Queen City RAD Preservation, a 203-unit senior preservation project in New Rochelle, NY; Yates Village, a 300-unit mixed-income, new construction, and substantial rehabilitation project in Schenectady, NY; and Yonkers Preservation, an 853-unit preservation project for families and seniors in Yonkers, NY. Brian is also a member of the development team for Prospect Plaza, a 394-unit new construction, mixed-use development in Brooklyn for which D+B is a lead developer.