Neighborhood Transformation, Master Planning, and Choice Neighborhood Initiatives

Planning for the transformation of neighborhoods requires fully and holistically involving residents and other stakeholders, assessing and assembling properties, physical planning and design, producing a development program, evaluation of market conditions, assessment of financial feasibility, and identifying funding sources. Working closely with other professionals, D+B participates in master planning for neighborhood revitalizations. D+B typically provides feasibility analysis and financial planning for transformation plans, whether as part of a HUD program or ventured under an independent initiative.
For Choice Neighborhood Initiative (CNI) Implementation grant applications, D+B provides financial analysis that is a critical component of the Transformation Plan provided to HUD. Based on dialogue with stakeholders, D+B prepares a financial plan, with detailed project budgets, that considers project phasing, income tiers, unit mix, tax credit and other financing funding cycles, housing tenure, and a variety of other factors. D+B has assisted housing authorities in Kansas City, Missouri; Covington and Louisville, Kentucky; Memphis, Tennessee; and Philadelphia in developing their Transformation Plans. The firm was involved in successful implementation grant applications for the North Central Norris neighborhood of Philadelphia in 2013, for the Ashview Heights and Vine City (University Choice) neighborhoods of Atlanta in 2014, and for Beecher Terrace in Louisville in 2016.
D+B also provided the financial analysis to support the Cayce Place Neighborhood Master Plan (Envision Cayce) for the Nashville Metropolitan Development Housing Authority in 2015. The master plan, which was led by EJP Consultants, was developed independently of HUD neighborhood transformation programs such as CNI.